The Indian subcontinent is a powerhouse of many major minerals like coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone. Chromite, copper, lead, zinc and you name it. The mining industry is a full-fledged Government backed one supporting the entire infrastructural and development sector in India. There are so many mines located in so many places in the country that it is difficult to keep a count of them all. Most of the industries have popped in or around those regions to get a regular supply of minerals directly from their sources. However, even if your industry is not located near a mine, you may get hold of a reputable mining contractor company in India that also indulge in logistics and transportation. But, that is a separate thing altogether.

In this post, we are going to discuss some of the major locations for mining activities in India so that you can start your developmental endeavor near those areas.

Ratnagiri, Nagpur, Wardha, Kolhapur, Bombay High are some of the major mining areas in the state. A huge number of minerals are mined in Maharashtra, Bauxite Ore, Chromite, Copper, Iron Ore, Lead-Zinc, Manganese, Dolomite, Limestone and Graphite to name a few. Its location beside the sea makes it easier to export minerals from their sources. No doubt, Mumbai is the industrial hub of India.

Minerals like Bauxite ore, Lead-Zinc, Chromite, Iron Ore, Manganese, Dolomite, Graphite, Limestone and more are extracted from this region. The areas of Jiling, Jaribahal, Bolani, Deojhar, Kadadiha are all presently working under the Directorate Of Mines by the Government of Odisha. Industries find their life blood a.k.a. minerals from these sources. Some of the mining companies also transport raw minerals to the other states in exchange for certain remuneration.

Jharkhand is a rich mineral resource of the country providing some major minerals like Copper, Limestone, Graphite, Bentonite, Chromite, Bauxite Ore, Iron Ore, and Mica. Industries located in this region benefit from the resources directly while others hire mining contractor companies in India to get their regular suppliers.

This is the undoubtedly the richest mineral resource in India with both the Gold and Diamond being mined here in the Kolar Gold Fields and Raichur-Gulbarg Districts respectively. Other minerals that are mined here are Chromite, Copper, Manganese Ore, Dolomite, Graphite. Limestone and others.

India is not only home to these major minerals but an endless number of other minor ones like:

▀    Corundum- Mined in Rajasthan, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka and Chattisgarh
  Bentonite- Mined in Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Jammu & Kashmir
  Garnet- Found in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Odisha, Rajasthan
  Wollastonite- Rare and found only in Rajasthan and Gujarat
  Calcite- Mined in Andra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan

These apart, the country also produces a rich supply of Coal, one of the most important mineral required by the industries. Granite, Marble, Slate, and Sandstone are also produced in the country in specific regions. Given a number of minerals produced in India, it can become one of the richest nations if the mining activities are carried on properly with the right equipment and planning. The Government is making changes to the existing system recently to enhance the mining efforts and sprout good results.

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